I am pleasantly surprised that the vast majority of his rabid fans are supporting him regardless. Some have awoken to reality. Others have accepted who he is, but have decided to continue crushing on him. Ummm....OK. It's still support.
Of course, there are always those hateful, disgusting few who are just oh-so-sanctimonious, making complete asses out of themselves. Here are a few examples as found on Vote For The Worst, with my reactions added:
My dad was the first person to break the news to me when I came home from an errand this evening. As soon as the news reached my ears, the blood drained from my face and a literal rush of shock surged through my body. My face fell. For a few milliseconds I felt...nothing. Not long after that, I shut myself up in my room and wept silently, my heart breaking. This has all happened during a rough time in my life so that makes it all the more painful for me. I just...I don't know what to do. I'll probably never hear the end of it from my dad. Part of me still thinks this is all a dream, yet the whole of me knows it isn't. I will be withdrawing any financial support of him, as my beliefs do not condone his lifestyle. However, I will continue to pray for him and await further details on the situation.Well, aren't you a good Christian? Doesn't Jesus teach you to love others unconditionally? HYPOCRITE! FAIL! Neither Clay nor G-d need your hatred being projected through the heavens like that.
Look, even if Clay was straight, I highly doubt the first thing he'd do is dive through the mile of unwashed fat folds that lead to your sweaty, smelly box. Just saying.
Here's a brief opinion:
I cannot continue to support him financially now that I know he has chosen this lifestyle.
Okay. Just shut the fuck up. Again, he doesn't need your huge, wide, overfed, sanctimonious ass. Now, here's a less hateful reaction (this one is just plain stupid)
I just feel rather silly now having spent the last 5 years droolingWell, maybe next time you won't be stupid enough to fall for the most effeminate male celebrity since Richard Simmons. Just kidding! Of course you'll be stupid enough! Hey, Danny Noriega tells his fans that he's straight, and he needs a new Macbook! What are you waiting for? Buy him one!
over and being fan girly for a singer I thought was straight and now finding out he is gay. It does change my perception of who he is and how I see him. We always called him our boyfriend and that won't be happening anymore. I just am sad, disappointed, and because he is not what I thought he was in terms of his sexuality and how he portrayed himself. He still is a great singer and humanitarian but my "crush" on him is over and that hurts.
I think this one's my favorite:
Because I, who have a certain set of values, state what I believe about gay sex (that its wrong), that makes me judgemental? Its not ignorance on my part at all. I didn't just decide 5 minutes ago that this is what I believe. I know others disagree with me, but I can't change my understanding just because people don't agree with me. I do not believe that I am judgemental or ignorant. Someone quoted "judge not lest you be judged" earlier. I believe that with my whole heart. Yet the same book that says that also says, "judge righteous judgement". We all have to make judgements about various things in our lives, and we do so from experience, nature, study, etc. Even those of you who say I am judging, in saying that, are judging me. IF homosexuality is not a choice, to have gay sex still IS a choice. So I would say that a person can be gay, that is, be attracted to other men, and still choose not to have sex. If Clay does say in his interviews that he is gay, I hope and pray he chooses that route -- abstinence. But its his decision, of course.Okay, again, what?
I am a long time strong supporter of Clay...I started supporting him because I saw him giving God the glory for where he was on American Idol. Why would anyone be depressed over the fact that, though I still love Clay, I must stand by my convictions first and foremost, unless proven wrong. I love Clay and would die a thousand deaths for him I suppose, but he does not come before my convictions. No one does. I don't know what else to say except please don't accuse those who feel as I do of being second rate fans.
Look, lady, not having sex by choice is a lot different than not having sex because you're so brutally unattractive that you could run naked into a men's penitentiary screaming, "Come on, boys! All holes are open!" and they'd all choose to continue having sex with each other instead. Well, the ones within eyeshot of you would vomit first, then boink their cellmate.
Clay could actually get some, and I think that's the issue here, don't you? Hm?
The best part of this is that they're all going to shut the hell up now. Yay! I'll end this on another good note: I found three fans who are creaming their jeans over Clay's big news.

I'm not surprised by their hateful words; they would blackban anyone who dared to suggest he was gay. But I am sickened by the venom in their words, and their prehistoric attitude to gay people.
It's nice to know that they're a small minority. They can retreat into their isolated world of crazies now and leave the rest of us be, finally.
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