Sunday, September 14, 2008

Britney Spears Is Earth-Conscious...NOT!

Sorry to use a term that went out of style around the same time Vanilla Ice went out of style, but for lack of a better term, that's how it us.

For those of you who haven't been following, BritBrit has lost a decent enough amount of the crazy in recent month to be allowed to occasionally breathe the same air as her two boys Sean and Jayden. Yesterday was their third and second birthdays, respectively, and Britney threw a nice party for the kids. She's being a mommy again. Cool.

Now, this is 2008. Gas prices are astoundingly high, and global warming is a stark reality, but the blissfully ignorant Britney threw a car-themed party. The presents for Sean and Jayden? Two miniature SUVs, that's what. That's it. Teach your kids to waste the Earth more than it's already been wasted.

Just because Sarah Palin says global warming and the oil crisis are bullshit, doesn't mean it's true?

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