Monday, September 8, 2008

John McCain Gets His Post-Convention Boost

After trailing far behind opponent Barack Obama for a week or so, John McCain has officially gotten his post-GOP convention bounce. Senator McCain is showing a 3-point lead, which is close to a statistical tie, but still a lead. As you can see below (click to enlarge), the results vary wildly from poll to poll:

National poll results for Sept. 8, 2008

As you can see, Senator McCain has taken the lead from Senator Obama in all major polls. What could be causing such a jump? Well, there's always the post-convention bounce. Barack Obama got his after the Democratic convention, and now it's McCain's turn.

It does seem that the country is somewhat more enthused with McCain, but is it McCain at all? Let's face it: this whole past week, ten days even, has been about Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin, Bristol Palin, Sarah Palin, and some more Sarah Palin. Could Americans be intrigued with this unlikely choice of a Vice-Presidential candidate?

No matter which candidate you're supporting (and it looks like we've got mostly Obama/Biden supporters here so far :) ), it's too early to predict any kind of an outcome. It won't be until Sept. 26, after the first Presidential debate, when we'll even have the faintest idea. Stay tuned!

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