Friday, September 12, 2008

Poll: Is This Racist?

I have recently made an interesting but hilarious discovery on YouTube. You see, there's this little group on there that likes to take music videos from India, and "translate" them into English. What this really means is that the subtitles are what the Hindi (or Telugu) words sound like if they were singing in English.

For example...well, check this out. Here is the Telugu version of Michael Jackson's "Thriller":

OK, that video really was looking for that. That was just hilarious, even without the "translation". It was done by the YouTube user "buffalax", who now has a wave of followers, such as the person who did the next video. Here's a sexy number that was, again, "translated" into English. *WARNING* May be NSFW. Depends on how much of a tightass your boss is. Rated PG-13.

Here's the thing. I think the whole thing is hilarious, but does that make me racist? Does that make the "translators" racist? I think probably not. I think it's just fun wordplay. I really like Indian music videos, even though I never know what the hell is going on in any of them. This just gives them a...twist!

Please correct me if I'm wrong, though.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't focus on the subtitles in the first video because I was trying to figure out what was going on. At first I thought it was the original Thriller dubbed into another language. Then I realized that wasn't Michael Jackson and the dancers were wearing Indian clothes. And the song wasn't Thriller. And yet it was still Thriller. huh.

Anyway, the second video made me lol. I don't think it was racist because you could do that with any language, and the words weren't racist, just random and funny. Great dancing in that one, too.

insaneinthesfv said...

I know, it's such a great song, too. It was running though my head all day yesterday. Today it's Indian Thriller. Oh gosh, my calculator ain't got no bow...nippley man I met, he ate my motorboat...